General Order 2025-01 Appointment of Merit Selection Panel - 01/13/2025
General Order 2024-05 Referral of Cases to the Magistrate Judges - 12/03/2024
General Order 2024-04 Designation of Chief Magistrate Judge - 11/13/2024
General Order 2024-03 The Civil Pro Bono Appointment Plan - 07/10/2024
General Order 2024-01 (Superseded)
General Order 2023-01 Provision of Counsel for Unrepresented Persons Eligible for Amendment 821 Sentencing Relief - 12/16/2023
General Order 2022-03 Reappointment of Mark E. Ford - 10/21/2022
General Order 2022-02 Reappointment of Barry A. Bryant - 10/21/2022
General Order 2022-01 Appointment of merit selection panel - 8/12/2022
Admin Order 2022-6 Court Operations during the COVID-19 Pandemic - 12/14/2022
Admin Order 2022-5 Court Operations during the COVID-19 Pandemic - 8/19/2022
Admin Order 2022-4 Court Operations during the COVID-19 Pandemic - 5/24/2022
Admin Order 2022-3 Court Operations during the COVID-19 Pandemic - 2/24/2022
Admin Order 2022-1 Court Operations during the COVID-19 Pandemic - 1/10/2022
Admin Order 2021-12 Court Operations during the COVID-19 Pandemic - 11/24/2021
Admin Order 2021-11 Court Operations during the COVID-19 Pandemic - 09/15/2021
Admin Order 2021-10 Court Operations during the COVID-19 Pandemic - 07/30/2021
Admin Order 2021-08 Observance of the Juneteenth National Independence Day - 06/18/2021
Admin Order 2021-07 Court Operations during the COVID-19 Pandemic - 05/28/2021
Admin Order 2021-06 Guidance on Use of Masks or Face Coverings in Courthouses during the COVID-19 Pandemic - 05/26/2021
Admin Order 2021-05 Use of Masks or Face Coverings in Courthouses during the COVID-19 Pandemic (Revised) - 05/26/2021
Admin Order 2021-04 Court operations during the COVID-19 pandemic - 04/22/2021
Admin Order 2021-03 Court operations during the COVID-19 pandemic - 03/15/2021
Admin Order 2021-02 Court operations during the COVID-19 pandemic - 03/01/2021
Admin Order 2021-01 Court Operations during the COVID-19 Pandemic - 01/15/2021
General Order 2021-12 Notice of Arrest and Detention - 10/04/2021
General Order 2021-03 Appointment of Judge Comstock - 5/03/2021
General Order 2021-02 Appointment of Jamie Giani as Clerk of Court - 4/02/2021
General Order 2021-01 Regarding Filing of Highly Sensitive Documents - 01/15/2021
Admin Order 2020-15 Court Operations during the COVID-19 Pandemic - 11/29/2020
Admin Order 2020-14 Court Operations during the COVID-19 Pandemic - 11/18/2020
Admin Order 2020-13 Court Operations during the COVID-19 Pandemic - 09/02/2020
Admin Order 2020-12 Court Operations during the COVID-19 Pandemic - 08/31/2020
Admin Order 2020-11 Court Operations during the COVID-19 Pandemic - 07/28/2020
Admin Order 2020-10 Use of Masks or Face Coverings in Courthouses during the COVID-19 Pandemic - 07/24/2020
Admin Order 2020-8 Court Operations during the COVID-19 Pandemic - 06/29/2020
Admin Order 2020-7 Court Operations during the COVID-19 Pandemic - 06/29/2020
Admin Order 2020-5 Court Operations during the COVID-19 Pandemic - 05/21/2020
Admin Order 2020-4 Court Operations during the COVID-19 Pandemic - 04/21/2020
Admin Order 2020-2 Restrictions regarding entrance to courthouses and courtrooms - 3/16/2020
Admin Order 2020-1 Court Operations during the COVID-19 Pandemic - 3/16/2020
General Order 2019-3 Weapons in Court Facilities - 9/17/2019
General Order 2018-2 Notice of Arrest and Detention - 4/25/2018 (Abrogated by General Order 2021-12)
General Order 2018-1 Authorizing Cross-District Jurisdiction - 2/2/2018
General Order 2017-5 Abrogation of General Order 12 - 6/27/2017
General Order 2017-4 Reappointing Erin L. Wiedemann - 6/5/2017
General Order 2017-3 Abrogation of General Orders 36 and 37 - 5/1/2017
General Order 2017-2 Appointment of Merit Selection Panel - 3/1/2017
General Order NO. 2016-2 Transfer Of Registry Funds to the Minors' Fund -9/13/2016
General Order NO. 2016-3 - Order Regarding Deposit and Investment of Registry Funds -9/13/2016