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News & Announcements

Thu, 2022-02-24

Court operations during the COVID-19 pandemic

Mon, 2022-01-10

Court operations during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Wed, 2021-11-24

Court operations during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Mon, 2021-10-04

Notice of Arrest and Detention

Wed, 2021-09-15

Court operations during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Fri, 2021-07-30

Effective July 30, 2021, all individuals entering a federal courthouse in the Western District of Arkansas for the purpose of participating in or attending a proceeding involving a large number of individuals, including but not limited to jury...

Thu, 2021-06-17

In observance of the Juneteenth National Independence Day, the court will be closed Friday, June 18th, 2021.

Fri, 2021-05-28

This order extends authorization of the use of video and teleconferencing for certain court proceedings under the CARES Act.


Fri, 2021-05-28

This order extends authorization of the use of video and teleconferencing for certain court proceedings under the CARES Act.


Wed, 2021-05-26

This administrative order modifies policy on use of masks in courthouse facilities in the Western District of Arkansas.

